A - B - C /// D - E - F /// G - H - I /// J - K - L /// M - N - Ñ /// O - P - Q /// R - S - T /// U - V - W /// X - Y - Z
Ubeda (*) (29) (45)
Uceda (*) (29)
Uchoa de Gumao (30)
Uchoa (30) (37)
Ucles (29) (45)
Udana (25)
Ugolon (29)
Ujena (29) (45)
Ulhoa (8) (29)
Ulhoa (de Leao Mendes Ulhoa) (8)
Uliel (1)
Ullis de Luna (6a)
Ulloa (*) (29)
Umayim (45)
Umbert (29)
Uncastielo (29)
Uncastillo de (22)
Ungaza (35)
Unis (29)
Upaziel (29)
Uranso (29)
Uri (2) (40)
Uria (45)
Uriel (11) (31/5/16)
Uroz (*) (29)
Urrea (*) (29)
Urries (29)
Ursino (35)
Ursinos de la (29)
Urziel de Avilar (3)
Urzua (*) (27)
Usalvo (11)
Usiel (29)
Usiello (29)
Usiglio (12)
Usiglo (11)
Usillo (29)
Usque (Duarte Pinhel) (36)
Usque (5) (7) (15) (21)
Ussuf (7)
Usua (*) (29)
Usuf (29)
Uzan (31/1/2)
Uzduqui (29)
Uziel Avilar (3)
Uziel Cardosa (1)
Uziel Cardoso (1)
Uziel Cardozo (3)
Uziel de Avilar (1)
Uziel de (27)
Uziel (1) (2) (4) (5) (7) (11) (12) (14) (15) (17) (20) (29)
(31/1/3) (31/5/16) (35) (40) (45)
Uziel (32) (36)
Uziel (39a)=Aguilar d' (39b)
Uzielli (2)
Uzilli (2)
Uzzielli (18)
Va (e)z, Leeon (39b)=Cohen Henriques (39a)
Vaamonde (*) (29)
Vaca (also see Baca) (*) (29)
Vaces Martines (3)
Vaena (11) (12) (29) (31/5/16)
Vaes da Costa (3)
Vaes de Ratleph (3)
Vaes Molinas (2)
Vaes Nunes (3)
Vaes (3) (5) (9)
Vaez Alcaceria (6a)
Vaez Casteloblanco (6a) (13)
Vaez de Alpoin (28)
Vaez de Azevedo (6a)
Vaez de Brito (33b)
Vaez de Lemus (6a)
Vaez de Rojas (6a)
Vaez Enriquez (13) (28m)
Vaez Machado (6c)
Vaez Mendes (6a)
Vaez Mesignana (6a)
Vaez Pereira (6a) (13)
Vaez Perisa (28m)
Vaez Sevilla (6a) (13) (23)
Vaez Tirado (23)
Vaez Torres (6a)
Vaez (1) (6a) (6b) (6c) (7) (23)
Vaez (5) (13) (29)
Vaez,Maria (39b)=Pereira,Sara (39a)
Vais (1) (5)
Vaisse (27)
Vaiz Valabrega (1)
Val (*) (29)
Valanci (35)
Valansi (11) (12) (31/5/16)
Valcazzar (6c)
Valdajos (29) (45)
Valdaura (19)
Valdeabras de (41)
Valdecanas (*) (29)
Valdeolivas de (23)
Valderrama (*) (29)
Valdes de (23)
Valdes* (29)
Valdivia (*) (27)
Vale da (8)
Vale de (3)
Vale do (8)
Vale (37)
Valenca Caminha do (30)
Valenca de (21) (30) (37)
Valenca (1) (30)
Valenci (9) (19a) (23) (29)
Valencia de (23) (28m)
Valencia (*) (2) (3) (6a (6c) (9) (14) (18) (42)
Valencin (1) (14) (31/1/2) (40)
Valensa (3)
Valensi (5) (11) (21) (31/2/4) (31/2/5) (31/5/16)
Valenso (3)
Valensuela (also see Valenzuela) (*) (1)
Valente (3) (37)
Valenti (*) (29)
Valentin (3) (40) (40b)
Valentine (40)
Valenty (29) (45)
Valera (*) (14) (29) (41)
Valerdo de (41)
Valeriola (29)
Valero (*) (5) (14) (23) (29)
Valhe (40)
Vall del (14)
Vall (*) (29) (40)
Valladolid de (19) (23) (30)
Valladolid (*) (23) (29) (37) (42)
Valladolid (de Mendoca Valladolid) (8)
Valle Cordiero do (30)
Valle da Mesquita do (30)
Valle da Silveria do (30)
Valle de Leao do (30)
Valle de Leao (30)
Valle de Lourenco do (30)
Valle de (23)
Valle del (3) (23) (29)
Valle do (30)
Valle Guterres do (30)
Valle (*) (6a) (27) (29) (30) (37) (40)
Vallejo de Contreras (29)
Vallejo (*) (29)
Vallepor (22)
Vallera (29)
Valleriola (29)
Valles (29)
Vallestero (29)
Valleter (29)
Vallon (29) (45)
Valls (+) (5) (7) (14) (22) (23) (29) (44c)
Vallseca (29)
Vallsequa (29)
Valquir (1)
Valuerdo (8)
Valvare Rabelo (40)
Valverde (*) (3) (8) (25)
Van de Berg (39b)=Belmonte,Jacob (39a)
Van de Reviere,George (39b)=Rios, de los (39a)
Van Lostach,Pieter Louis (39b)=Rodrigues Robles,Antonio
Van Naarden, Gerado (39b)=Pereira, Abraham (39a)
Vanano (40)
Vanares (29)
Vandor (29)
Vanes (29)
Vanrell (29)
Vaquero (*) (29)
Vara (*) (6a)
Varab (3)
Varan (31/4/12)
Varao (31/1/3) (31/4/12)
Varas (27)
Varca (23)
Varcelay (22)
Vareda (30) (37)
Varga (29)
Vargas (Atias) (21)
Vargas da Silva de (30)
Vargas da Silva (30)
Vargas de (30)
Vargas Govea de (28j)
Vargas (*) (1) (6a) (7) (21) (30) (37) (45)
Varicas (18) (32)
Varol (31/5/17)
Varoloni (42)
Varon de Canpos (31/4/12)
Varon (11) (12) (14) (29) (31/2/6) (31/4/12) (31/5/16)
(31/5/17) (35)
Varona (8) (14) (29)
Varonides (31/4/12)
Varquete (29) (45)
Varquez (1)
Varro (31/4/12)
Varron (31/4/12)
Varsano (41)
Vartel (2)
Vas d'Avila (30)
Vas da Silva (3)
Vas de Acevedo (13)
Vas de Andrade (36)
Vas de Azevedo (6a)
Vas de Leon (36)
Vas de Silva (25)
Vas Dias (1) (17) (36)
Vas Martines (2) (18) (40a) (40b)
Vas Nunes da Costa (18)
Vas Nunes (36)
Vas Pacham (de Acevedo) (30)
Vas (also see Baez and Vaz) (*) (2) (3) (7) (17) (29) (30)
Vas (Vasquez Pestana) (28)
Vasconccellos (37)
Vasconcelos de (26) (30)
Vasconcelos (30)
Vasques do Pilar (30)
Vasques (30) (37)
Vasquez de Acuna (6c)
Vasquez Pestana (Vas) (28)
Vasquez (*) (6a) (6c) (28) (28m) (30)
Vaz Campos (30)
Vaz Chaves (30)
Vaz Cordilha (23)
Vaz Covilha (30)
Vaz d' Avilla (30)
Vaz d' Oliveira (1) (40)
Vaz d'Oliveira (1)
Vaz da Costa (1) (2) (25) (30) (40)
Vaz da Cunha (30)
Vaz da Fonseca (30)
Vaz da Silva (30) (40)
Vaz da Sylveyra (30)
Vaz de Almeida (30)
Vaz de Azevedo (23)
Vaz de Leao (30)
Vaz de Oliveira (30)
Vaz de Resende de (30)
Vaz de Resende (30)
Vaz de Sequeira de (30)
Vaz de Sequeira (30)
Vaz Dias (1) (5)
Vaz Dias (31/4/12)
Vaz Farro (9)
Vaz Fraga (30)
Vaz Gago (30)
Vaz Henriques,Jeronimo (39b)=Cohen Rodrigues (39a)
Vaz Jordao (30)
Vaz Leao (30)
Vaz Leitao (30)
Vaz Loucao (30)
Vaz Martines (9) (40)
Vaz Martins (1)
Vaz Mizisana (1)
Vaz Moniz (30)
Vaz Morao (30)
Vaz Nunes da Costa (1)
Vaz Nunes (1)
Vaz Nunez (1)
Vaz Pacham (30)
Vaz Penalvo (30)
Vaz Porto (30)
Vaz Ribeiro (30)
Vaz Sevilla (7)
Vaz (39b)=Israel Nunes, David (39a)
Vaz (Also see Vas) (*) (1) (5) (6a) (7) (8) (23) (25) (30)
(37) (40)
Vaz, Isidore (39b)=Gabby,Moses (39a)
Vaz, Leon (39b)=Cohen Rodriques (39a)
Vaz,Daniel (39a)=Claesen (39b)
Vaz,David (39a)=Fernandes,Henrique (39b)
Vazques (*) (1) (23)
Vazquez (*) (29) (45)
Vecinho (4) (5) (23)
Vedios (45)
Vega da,Abraham (39a)=Duarte,Rafael (39b)
Vega de Prado (1)
Vega de (28) (28l) (28m)
Vega Ibn (20)
Vega (*) (1) (2) (3) (5) (6a) (6c) (7) (9)17) (18) (27) (29)
Vega,Joseph (39b)=Pesso,Joseph (39a)
Veger (29)
Veidt de (27)
Veidt (27)
Veiga da Victorio (30)
Veiga da (*) (1) (8) (18) (30)
Veiga Pereira da (30)
Veiga (30) (37)
Veigua da (23)
Vejar (27)
Velacha de (23)
Velacha (23)
Velasco de (23)
Velasco (*) (2) (5) (14) (29) (30) (37)
Velazquez (*) (29)
Velbiure (Bellviure) (29)
Veles (29) (45)
Velez (*) (23) (30) (41)
Velho Coelho (30)
Velho de Araujo (30)
Velho (*) (1) (8) (30) (37)
Vellez (30) (37)
Vellida (23) (29)
Vello (28) (28a) (29)
Vellocino (29)
Velosinho (7)
Velosino (29)
Velosinois (1)
Veloso (28) (30) (37)
Velozino (8)
Velozinos (3)
Velozo (30)
Veluer (Bellver) (29)
Velvivre (29)
Velyesid (35)
Venayon (29)
Vendayan (22)
Vendrell (*) (29)
Venerama (22)
Venezia (31/2/4)
Vengatiel (43)
Venosiello (29) (43)
Venosillo (29) (43)
Ventos (*) (29)
Ventuba (29)
Ventubo (29)
Ventura de (27)
Ventura (*) (1) (2) (9) (11) (12) (14) (27) (29) (31/2/4)
(31/4/14) (31/5/16) (40)
Vera de (8) (23) (28m)
Vera Y Alarcon (5)
Vera (*) (29)
Verengena (41)
Verga aben (19a)
Verga Ibn (19) (19a ( (23) (41)
Verga (7) (29) (35)
Vergara de (23)
Vergara (*) (6a) (6c) (27) (29)
Vergueiro de (30)
Vergueiro (30) (37)
Vergulder,Carlos (39b)=Pereira,Abraham (39a)
Verihorl (12)
Verrozpe (29)
Veruje (45)
Verviesca (29)
Veyga Freye (30)
Veyga (30)
Vezinho (21)
Vezino (14) (29)
Viabrea (29)
Viabreba (29)
Viabrera (29)
Viana (*) (29) (30)
Vianna (30) (37)
Vic de (22)
Vicens (*) (29)
Vicente (*) (6b) (6c) (7) (23) (29) (30)
Victoria de (23)
Victoria (2) (6a)
Vicuna (*) Mackenna (27)
Vida (5) (29)
Vidal d'en (22)
Vidal de Parus (22)
Vidal Real (46)
Vidal (*) (+) (1) (3) (5) (14) (19) (22) (22c) (29)
Vidales de (22)
Vidales (29) (45)
Vidalestes (29)
Vidalon (22)
Vidas De (11) (12) (14) (31/5/16)
Vidas (5) (14) (29)
Vides d'en (22)
Vides (29)
Vidigueira (23)
Vidigueria (8)
Viegas (*) (8) (30) (37)
Vieiea (39a)=Gavare,de (39b)
Vieira de Mendanha Soutto-Mayor (30)
Vieira de Mendanha (30)
Vieira de Pestana (30)
Vieira de Pilar (30)
Vieira de (30)
Vieira (*) (9) (29) (30) (37)
Vieyra (1) (30)
Vigebena (3)
Vigevana (40)
Vigevano (1) (40)
Vigevena (40)
Vigeveno (2)
Vigo (30) (37)
Vila (*) (29)
Vila-Real (37)
Viladestes (29)
Vilafort (29)
Vilafranca (29)
Vilallonga (29)
Vilalonga (29)
Vilam (22)
Vilamanya (29)
Vilamari (29)
Vilamunta (29)
Vilamuntac (29)
Vilani (22)
Vilanova (*) (29)
Vilaplana (29)
Vilar (*) (29)
Vilareal (Also see Villa Real (8) (40)
Vilhalao (2)
Vilhalva (30) (37)
Vilhegas de (30)
Vilhegas (30) (37)
Vilhena (30) (37)
Villa de la (23)
Villa de (30)
Villa Nova de (19)
Villa Nova de (30)
Villa Nova (30)
Villa Real de (23)
Villa Real (*) (Also see Villareal) (1) (2) (3) (9)
Villa Real (29) (30)
Villa (*) (29) (30) (37)
Villa-Lobos de (30)
Villa-Lobos (30)
Villa-Lobos (37)
Villa-Real (5)
Villafranca de (22)
Villafranca (29)
Villahermosa (7)
Villalao de (30)
Villalao (30) (37)
Villalobos (*) (6b) (29)
Villalon (2)
Villalpando de (*) (23)
Villalpando (*) (29)
Villalta (*) (6a)
Villam (22)
Villanova (*) (7) (29) (37)
Villanueva (*) (23)
Villar de (30)
Villar (30) (37)
Villardes (6a)
Villareal de (7)
Villareal (*) (29)
Villareal (Also see Villarreal) (2) (5) (6a) (7) (18) (20)
Villarreal (*) (23) (29) (41) (45)
Villarrubia (41)
Villarubia (23)
Villasgoas de (28o)
Villauriti (6a)
Villegas Selvago (23)
Villegas (*) (6a) (41)
Villela (30) (37)
Villella (*) (29) (30)
Villena (*) (6a)
Vinant (29)
Vincente de Paz (40)
Vines (29)
Vinet (29)
Vintura (1) (2) (40)
Violante (*)de (23)
Violante de Calatayud (36)
Viota (29)
Virga (29)
Virtudes das (30)
Visente (28)
Viseu (2)
Vita Israel (1)
Vita (1) (40)
Vital (*) (11) (29) (31/4/14) (31/5/16) (35) (45)
Vitales (29)
Vitalis (29)
Vitan (29)
Vitas (29) (31.5/17)
Viton (29)
Vitoria de (28)
Vitoria (*) (2) (3) (5) (29)
Vitta (2)
Vittoria (2) (3)
Viu (29)
Viussa (29)
Viva (29)
Vivante (31/1/3) (31/2/5) (31/4/14)
Vivantes (31/4/14)
Vivero de (28a)
Viveros (*) (6a)
Vives de Corion (41)
Vives (*) (5) (14) (22) (23) (29)
Vivis (29)
Viyesid (12)
Vizcayno (*) (41)
Vizenene (1)
Vizeo (2)
Vizeu (30) (37) (40)
Vizino (5)
Volta (2)
Voltara (35)
Von Mol (k)ke Hart (25)
Voz Medrano (6a)
Vry (40)
Vugman (29)
Vurlas (11) (31/5/15)
Vuschal (35)
Waag (2) (25)
Waanono (31/2/7)
Wagensberg (29)
Wagner (26)
Wahnish (31/2/7) (31/3/11)
Wahnon (29) (32)
Wakar Ibn (19)
Waknin (32)
Walle (40)
Wanano (2)
Warroon (31/4/12)
Waseldrinker (40)
Weill Oliver (28n)
Wessely (26)
Wetzlar (25)
Wolf (*) (25) (40)
Wolfe (25)
Wolodarsky (29)
Wormser (Sealtiel) (26)
Wuschal (35)
(*) Apellido del que se conoce escudo de armas o blasón.
(*) Apellido del que se conoce escudo de armas o blasón.
(+) Se conoce o sospecha relación con familias conversas (en oposición a conversos individuales). La mayoría de personas que comparecen ante la Inquisición fue un converso, porque la inquisición, por definición, no tenía poder sobre la población judía. Ellos tenían el control de "nuevos cristianos" o conversos.
(~) Datos completos.
(0) Auto identificado.
(1) De los registros civiles de Amsterdam, Holanda.(~)
(2) De los registros de Bevis Marks, "The Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London".(~)
(3) Del registro de enterramientos del "Bethahaim Velho Cemetery", publicado por "The Jewish Historical Society of England".(~)
(4) Del libro, "History of the Jews in Venice", escrito por Cecil Roth.(~)
(5) Apellidos sefardíes extraídos del libro "Finding Our Fathers", escrito por Dan Rottenberg. Cada apellido es seguido de una corta biografía y referencias para información adicional. Este libro es una referencia básica para aquellos que están interesados en la investigación de genealogía judía. La publicación explica cómo y dónde llevar a cabo las investigaciones.
(6) Del libro "The Inquisitors and the Jews in the New World", escrito por B. Liebman.(~)
(6a) Reportes de personas que aparecieron antes de la inquisición en Nueva España.(~)
(6b) Reportes de personas que aparecieron antes de la inquisición en Nueva Granada.(~)
(6c) Reportes de personas que aparecieron antes de la inquisición en El Perú.(~)
(6d) Reportes de personas que aparecieron antes de la inquisición en Río de La Plata.(~)
(7) Del libro "A History of the Marranos", escrito por Cecil Roth.(~)
(8) Del libro "Jews in Colonial Brazil", escrito por Arnold Wizhitzer.(~)
(9) Del libro "Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao Jewry 1657-1957.(~)
(10) Del libro "The Jews of Rhodes", escrito por Marc D. Angel.(~)
(11) List of (mostly) Sephardic brides from the publication, "List of 7300 Names of Jewish Brides and Grooms who married in Izmir Between the Years 1883-1901 & 1918-1933.(~)
(12) List of (mostly) Sephardic grooms from the publication listed above.(Izmir lists provided by Dov Cohen, Shimshon Israel). Email address dkcohen@bezeqint.net(~)
13) From the book, "The Jews of New Spain", by Seymour B. Liebman.(~)
(14) From the publication, "Los Sefardes", by Jose M. Estrugo. Published by Editorial Lex La Habana, 1958. (Apellidos corrientes entre los Sephardies)(~)
(15) From the book, "The Jews of the Balkans, The Judeo-Spanish Community , 15th to 20th Centuries", by Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue.(~)
(16) From the book, "The Sephardic Jews of Bordeaux", by Frances Malino.(~)
(17) From the book, "Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation", by Miriam Bodian.(~)
(18) From the book, "The Sephardim of England", by Albert M. Hyamson.(~)
(19) From Vol. 1, "A History of the Jews in Christian Spain", by Yitzhak Baer. (19a) Volume II.(~)
(20) From the book, "A Life of Menasseh Ben Israel", by Cecil Roth. This book contains names from the Sephardic community of greater Amsterdam. Amsterdam was a major haven and transfer point for Sephardim and Morranos leaving Iberia.(~)
(21) From the book, "Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World: 1391-1648", by Gampel. This book lists Sephardic movers and shakers during the period.(~)
(22) From the book, "History of the Jews in Aragon", by Regne. Essentially a series of royal decrees by the House of Aragon. It contains Sephardic names recorded during the period 1213-1327. By this time family names were well developed. Be prepared for a challenge as you attempt to derive the modern equivalents for these 800 year old names. Prefixes such as Aben, Ibn, Aven, Avin, Ben and etc. are attached to the stemsof many names.If your people came from Aragon, and you cannot find the name in this list, I recommend to attach a prefix and look for it in that way. In addition, the spelling of many of the stems have changed with time. Some names (Adret, Cavalleria) exist to this date unchanged. This reference will introduce many new names and/or many new spellings to known names. (22c) indicates those names that are identified as converso names in the records. Suerte!(~)
(23) From the book, "Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of theCrypto-Jews", by David Gitlitz. The names of the Sephardim (and their residences) mentioned were, sometimes, involved with the inquisition. There were other names which are not listed here because the author did not identify those names as Sephardic.(~)
(24) From the Ph.D. Dissertation of Michelle M. Terrill, "The Historical Archaeology of the 17th and 18th-Century Jewish Community of Nevis, British West Indies", Boston Univesity, 2000.(~)
(25) From the book, "The Jews of Jamaica", by Richard D. Barnett and Philip Wright. This book contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. Only names that appeared Sephardic are included here.(~)
(26) From the book, "Die Sefarden in Hamburg" (The Sephardim in Hamburg [Germany]) by Michael Studemund-Halevy. German names are due to inter marriage(~)
(27) From the book, "Historia de la Comunidad Isralelita de Chile", by Moshe Nes-El.(~)
(28) From the book, "Judios Conversos" (Jewish Converts) by Mario Javier Saban. Los antepasados Judios de las familias Argentinas. This work contains many Sephardic names and family trees within its 3 volumes. Many of the individuals listed appeared before the inquistion and were secret Jews. Some later converted and intermarried. The description "Jew "and "Portuguese" appear to be used interchangeably. Only those names that were identified as Sephardic Jews or descendant from Sephardic Jews or in some cases, new Christians that married into Sephardic families are listed here. It is possible that some Sephardic names not well identified are not listed. If you have Sephardic/Portuguese family roots in early Argentina, research these volumes. Many of the names listed here represent the famous names of Jewish/Sephardic Argentina. Wonderful family trees, well detailed, are provided in the three volumes.(~)
(28a) List of Portuguese Jews expelled from Buenos Aries, 1603. The list also contains the name of the vessel and date of arrival in Argentina. Los "Portugueses" Judaizantes expulsados de Buenas Aires.(~)
(28b) "Portuguese" of Santiago del Estro. The list provides the year of arrival and entry point into Argentina. Apellidos de los Portugueses de Santiago del Estero.(~)
(28c) "Portuguese" of Cordoba. Apellidos de los Portugueses de Cordoba. The list provides the entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28d) "Portuguese" of San Miguel de Tucuman. The book provides the entry and the year of arrival in Argentina.(~)
(28e) "Portuguese" of Talavera (1607). The list provides entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28f) "Portuguese" of La Rioja. The list provides entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28g) "Portuguese" of Salta. The book provides the entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28h) "Portuguese" of Villa de Madrid de las Juntas. The book provides entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28i) "Portuguese" of Jujuy. The book provides the entry point and the year of arrival.
(28j) "Portuguese" registered in Santa Fe in 1643. The book provides entry point and the year of arrival.(~)
(28k) List of names of those Sephardim expelled from Santa Fe. The book provides the place of birth and the year of arrival.(~)
(28l) Jewish Portuguese families of Rio de la Plata.(~)
(28m) Sephardic names in the records of the Auto de Fe of Lima in 1639.(~)
(28n) The Oliver-Cavia family, descendants of the Jewish house of Ha-Levi Benveniste originally from Spain.(~)
(28o) List of the "Portuguese" of Corrientes in the year 1643. Book provides age and place of birth.(~)
(29) "Sangre Judia" ("Jewish Blood") by Pere Bonnin. A list of 3,500 names used by Jews, or assigned to Jews by the Holy Office (la Santo Oficio) of Spain. The list is a result of a census of Jewish communities of Spain by the Catholic Church and as found in inquisition records. Los Apellidos estan sacados de las listas de penitenciados por el Santo Oficio, de los censos de las juderias y de otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es judia o judeoconversa. Tiene Vd. sangre judia? (~)
(30) "Raizes Judaicas No Brasil" by Flavio Mendes Carvalho. This book contains names of Sephardim involved in the inquisition in Brazil. Many times date of birth, occupation, name of parents, age, and location of domicile are also included. Included in this list are the names of the relatives of the victims. Many of the victims were tortured to death or exiled so their lines might end here.(~)
(31) Sephardic names from the magazine "ETSI". Most of the names are from (but not limited to) France and North Africa. Published by Laurence Abensur-Hazan and Philip Abensur. Subscriptions are available. If your family comes from the area served by ETSI, this magazine is worth while. (31/volume number/issue number) For example (31/3/8) = Esti volume 3, issue8. (~)
(32) Sephardic surnames from the classic book "Genealogia Hebraica: Portugal e Gibraltar", by Jose Maria Abecassis. This book contains a list of names of Sephardim families that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. Family trees are included for many of the families. (~)
(33) Sephardic names from the Jewish Historical Society of England. List of names provided by David Ferdinando david.ferdinando@virgin.net. (~)
(33a) "The First English Jew", by Lucien Wolf. (~)
(33b) "Crypo-Jews under the Commonweath", by Lucien Wolf. (~)
(33c) "The Jewery of the Restoration", by Lucien Wolf.(~)
(33d) "The Cemetery of the Resettlement", by Master A.S. Diamond. (~)
(33e) "Foreign Trade of London Jews in the 17th Century", by Maurice Woolf.
(33f) "The Community of the Resettlement 1656-84 - A Social Survey:, by A.S. Diamond. (~)
(33g) "Maria Fernandez de Carvajal" by Lucien Wolf. (~)
(33h) "Carvajal and Pepys", by Wilfred Samuel. (~)
(33i) Extracts from "Jews of the Canary Islands", ed. Lucien Wolf. (~)
(33j) "Process of Antao Rodigues Lindo, Native of Badajoz, Kingdom of Castile". (~)
(34) From the book, "In Sure Dwellings: A Journey From Expulsion to Assimilation", by Margot F. Salom. The names are extracted from the research of an Austalian, Ms. Salom, into the her family. The names have been provided by the author. The book may be purchased form Seaview Press. FP 2000, Adelaide, 5th Australia. The author's email address is Abshl@powerup.com.au. (~)
(35) From the book "Histoire des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc, by Abraham Galante. The names were extracted and provided by Daniel Kazez dkazez@mail.wittenberg.edu.(~)
(36) Sephardic names extracted from the book, "Noble Families Among The Sephardic Jews" by Isaac Da Costa, Bertram Brewster, and Cecil Roth. This book provides genealogy information about many of the more famous Sephardic families of Iberia, England and Amsterdam. For those tracing Sephardim from Spain to England or to Amsterdam, this book can be most valuable. Many name changes and aliases are provided. This reference documents the assimilation, name changes and coversion of many Sephardic families in Spain, England and The Netherlands. There is also a large section dealing the the genealogy of the members of Capadose family that converted to Christianity. (~)
(37) Sephardic names from the book, "A Origem Judaica dos Brasileiros", by Jose Geraldo Rodrigues de Alckmin Filho, who personally provided the text. This publication contains a list of 517 Sephardic families punished by the inquisition in Portugal and Brazil. As familias punidas pela Inquidicao em Portugal e no Brasil.. (~)
(38)Names from the book, "El Libro Verde de Aragon" (The Greenbook of Aragon) by Isidoro de las Cagigas.(~)
(38a) Sephardic names to Converso (New Christian) names. Sephardic=Converso.|(~)
(38b) Converso names from Sephardi names. Converso=Sephardic.(~)
(38c) Sephardic names of Aragon.(~)
(39) From ETSI, Volume 4, No.12 dated March 2001, "Aliases in Amsterdam", by Viberke Sealtiel-Olsen, a list of alias names used by Sephardim in Amsterdam. A wonderful research tool for Sephardic research in Amsterdam.(~)
(39a) True Sephardic Name=Alias Name (~)
(39b) Alias Name=True Sephardic Name.(~)
(40) The Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775) from the Achives of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of Bevis Marks (London. England). Family names include those circumcised, God fathers, and God mothers. There are also short sections of additional circumcisions 1679-99 (40a), Marriages 1679-89 (40b), and births of daughters 1679-99(40c) (~)
(41) "Conversos on Trial" by Haim Bienart. A well written story of the converso community of Ciudad Real, to include the converso inquisition trials in the mid 15th century. This book contains a list of names, some times providing the names of relatives, house locations, and professions. A fine resource for those with ties to Ciudad Real. (~)
(42) Jewish names contained in Medieval documents from the Kingdom of Murcia. Apellidos judios en documentos medievales del Reino de Murcia. Most of these names, if not all, appear to be original Sephardic names not changed by conversion. (~)
(43) Sephardic names from the site TARAZONA JUDIA. 43 (C) indentifies converso anmes .The site is presented as a memorial to the Jews of TARAZONA. (~) http://idd00bmy.eresmas.net/etarazonajudiaapellidos.html (44) From the site, "Los Apellidios Biblicos De Mallorica" (Biblical Names of Mallorca) by Miquel Ferra I Martorell. This site can be found at http://www.iciba.org.il/archivo/mallorca.html (44C) New Christians or Conversos from Mallorca..
(45) Apellidos de Judios Sefardies (Surnames of the Sephardic Jews) from the site Comunidad Israelita Principado de Austurias. This site can be found at http://www.sefarad.as/apell/apea.htm
(46) "Diciionario Sefaradi De Sobrenomes" ("Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames"): This reference provides thousand of Sephardic names of immigrants to Brazil. The authors have attempted to provide the ports of departure of these immigrants. The source of this information is also available. (UPLOADING)
FUENTE: http://www.sephardim.com
FUENTE: http://www.sephardim.com
A - B - C /// D - E - F /// G - H - I /// J - K - L /// M - N - Ñ /// O - P - Q /// R - S - T /// U - V - W /// X - Y - Z